
Last Login: 5 month(s) ago


  • Profile Created For Myself
  • 28 Years, 5 ft 3 in / 160 cms
  • Secunderabad, Telangana, India
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery - B.D.S., Doctor

About Me

Since childhood I was very passionate in prayer & worship. God use to give me whatever I asked in his name with faith I was grown with faith and trust in God. In my young age when I went to Jesus call prayer meeting I decided to take baptism so that I can serve the lord I was fasting for three days and on the day of my baptism holy spirit gave me a name called Evangelina. Since then I was used by God in a mighty way & he protected me and blessed me as a Doctor to serve the people. I'm in search of a companion who believes in the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, miracles, and prioritizes God in everything he does. It is important for him to be a person who prays, has moral values, and is responsible towards family members.

Contact Information

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Age : 28
Gender : Female
Dob : 1995-08-28
Marital Status : Never Married
Mother Tongue : Telugu
Height : 5 ft 3 in / 160 cms
Weight : 52 Kg / 114.64 LBS
Any Disability : No
Complexion : Fair
Smoking Habits : No
Drinking Habits : No
Eating Habits : Non_vegetarian

Regional Details

Country : INDIA
State : Telangana
City : Secunderabad

Family Information

Native Place : Not Specified
Family Type : Nuclear
Father's Status : Retired
Mother's Status : Home Maker
Community : Indian-Christian
Brothers : 1
No. of Brothers Married : Not Specified
Sisters : 1
No. of Sisters Married : 1
If Single Parent No of Children : Not Specified

Faith Information

Mentor/Pastor's Name : Vivek Samuel
Mentor/Pastor's Number : 7709607069
Born again Christian : Yes
Denomination : Evangelical
Preference to wearing Jewels? : Select
Ministry Interest : Evangelism

Professional & Education

Higher Education : Bachelor of Dental Surgery - B.D.S.
College Institute : Not Specified
Occupation : Doctor


Spoken Languages : Not Specified
Hobbies : Not Specified
Sports : Not Specified

Contact Information

Last Login : 2024-03-26 04:02:39
Address : Not Specified
Postcode : Not Specified
Website : Not Specified

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