
Last Login: 3 Years ago


  • Profile Created For Myself
  • 30 Years, 5 ft 6 in / 167 cms
  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Master of Business Administration - M.B.A., Human Resources Professional

About Me

I'm an Independent, Modern and Disciplined born again believer. Looking for an Educated, Modern, Matured, Good looking, Fun loving, Well settled, Who respects women and their choices.

Contact Information

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Age : 30
Gender : Female
Dob : 1991-03-17
Marital Status : Never Married
Mother Tongue : Telugu
Height : 5 ft 6 in / 167 cms
Weight : 55 Kg / 121.25 LBS
Any Disability : No
Complexion : Not Specified
Smoking Habits : No
Drinking Habits : No
Eating Habits : Non_vegetarian

Regional Details

Country : INDIA
State : Telangana
City : Hyderabad

Family Information

Native Place : Not Specified
Family Type : Nuclear
Father's Status : Employed
Mother's Status : Home Maker
Community : Indian-Christian
Brothers : Not Specified
No. of Brothers Married : Not Specified
Sisters : 1
No. of Sisters Married : 1
If Single Parent No of Children : Not Specified

Faith Information

Mentor/Pastor's Name : Ps Satish
Mentor/Pastor's Number : 9032178891
Born again Christian : Yes
Denomination : Assembly of God
Preference to wearing Jewels? : Not Specified
Ministry Interest : Evangelism

Professional & Education

Higher Education : Master of Business Administration - M.B.A.
College Institute : MBA Finance and HR
Occupation : Human Resources Professional


Spoken Languages : Not Specified
Hobbies : Not Specified
Sports : Not Specified

Contact Information

Last Login : 2021-07-22 14:16:47
Address : Not Specified
Postcode : Not Specified
Website : Not Specified

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