
Last Login: 3 Years ago


  • Profile Created For Myself
  • 31 Years, 5 ft 5 in / 165 cms
  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Bachelor of Technology - B.Tech., Marketing Professional

About Me

God is Faithful. We are from Hindu background. That point where we as family lost everything my mum decided to commit suicide. She tried all goods but there is void in her and that night she decided to commit suicide and my brother who used to go Sunday school with his friends gave bible to my mum and told “As you have tried every GOD why not this”.. My mum took bile she opened randomly it was psalms 69 chapter God spoke to her with psalms 69:20 from there we could see a lot of peace in her face and she is happy in midst of lot of troubles. Then my mother took me along with her to church. I was told about Gospel and I was seeking repentance for all my Sins God spoke to me through Isaiah 44:22 which is life turning point for me to get into more spiritual being. I could strongly say the reason for our family to be alive today is because of GOD. My sister and Dad were still praying to Idols GODs and we three were praying Jesus In same house. One fine day we are listening to Joy Cherian amma garu sermon in with title “Job’s Wife” God transformed and touched dad. It’s impossible for us to believe who is stubborn and religious specific could change by listen to audio message. This clearly shows God can do wonders. My sister seeing everyone took time and try to find what is true and she accepted Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour. Now entire family accepted Jesus Christ as lord n saviour and with our help few of our relatives got to know about God. Looking for person who is believer & follows christ in everyday life. Prayerful, Hardworking, one who can build family as christ as head of house.

Contact Information

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Age : 31
Gender : Female
Dob : 1990-06-13
Marital Status : Never Married
Mother Tongue : Telugu
Height : 5 ft 5 in / 165 cms
Weight : 60 Kg / 132.28 LBS
Any Disability : No
Complexion : Wheatish
Smoking Habits : No
Drinking Habits : No
Eating Habits : Non_vegetarian

Regional Details

Country : INDIA
State : Telangana
City : Hyderabad

Family Information

Native Place : Hyderabad
Family Type : Nuclear
Father's Status : Employed
Mother's Status : Home Maker
Community : Indian-Christian
Brothers : 1
No. of Brothers Married : Not Specified
Sisters : 1
No. of Sisters Married : 1
If Single Parent No of Children : Not Specified

Faith Information

Mentor/Pastor's Name : Joy cherian
Mentor/Pastor's Number : 04027624030
Born again Christian : Yes
Denomination : Pentecostal
Preference to wearing Jewels? : Not Specified
Ministry Interest : Sunday School Teacher

Professional & Education

Higher Education : Bachelor of Technology - B.Tech.
College Institute : Not Specified
Occupation : Marketing Professional


Spoken Languages : English, Hindi, Telugu
Hobbies : Pets
Sports : Jogging

Contact Information

Last Login : 2021-06-18 17:17:09
Address : Not Specified
Postcode : Not Specified
Website : Not Specified

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