
Last Login: 3 Years ago


  • Profile Created For Myself
  • 30 Years, 5 ft 4 in / 162 cms
  • Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Master of Computer Science - M.S., Software Professional

About Me

FAMILY: My Father Abraham is doing a business (Finance), My Mother Sarah Homemaker. I have one elder brother who stays in Germany, working in IT. BRIEF TESTIMONY AND BORN-AGAIN EXPERIENCE: As a Christian from childhood I followed my parent’s faith. God created some situations in my life to know him truly and walk with him closely. At that point in life I came to know about God’s character and his forgiveness for a sinner, I understood clearly that sinners need a Savior! I was convicted of my sins, repented and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior, from then on words I see God sanctifying me. Many things came into my life....to become better daily. As I pondered on his knowledge and understood about his LOVE and I took a few vows in my life to stand for God and I am on that till day by God’s grace! I see life's ultimate meaning or Purpose in God’s views is to have life in full! Learn to live life as it is God given. ”This is the day that the lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it” this rings in my mind always, I want to share this joy with my life partner too!

Contact Information

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Age : 30
Gender : Female
Dob : 1991-01-19
Marital Status : Never Married
Mother Tongue : Telugu
Height : 5 ft 4 in / 162 cms
Weight : 53 Kg / 116.84 LBS
Any Disability : No
Complexion : Select
Smoking Habits : No
Drinking Habits : No
Eating Habits : Not Specified

Regional Details

Country : INDIA
State : Andhra Pradesh
City : Vizianagaram

Family Information

Native Place : Vizianagaram
Family Type : Nuclear
Father's Status : Business
Mother's Status : Home Maker
Community : Indian-Christian
Brothers : 1
No. of Brothers Married : Not Specified
Sisters : Not Specified
No. of Sisters Married : Not Specified
If Single Parent No of Children : Not Specified

Faith Information

Mentor/Pastor's Name : Rev. Shanthi Sudhakar Monditoka
Mentor/Pastor's Number : 9908119811
Born again Christian : Yes
Denomination : Protestant
Preference to wearing Jewels? : Select
Ministry Interest : Volunteering

Professional & Education

Higher Education : Master of Computer Science - M.S.
College Institute : Completed B.SC computer science at Vizianagaram(A.U). M.S(IT) VIT.
Occupation : Software Professional


Spoken Languages : English, Telugu
Hobbies : Bird Watching, Cooking, Gardening, Photography, Reading
Sports : Badminton, Carrom, Tennis, Jogging, Swimming

Contact Information

Last Login : 2021-08-12 12:01:21
Address : Vizianagram
Postcode : 535003
Website : Not Specified

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